Installation and Configuration Guide for Simple Throughput Charts for Jira


This guide provides step-by-step instructions to install and configure the Simple Throughput Charts for Jira dashboard gadget. Follow the steps below to set up the gadget and customize it according to your project requirements.


1. Log in to Jira: Ensure you are logged in with an account that has the necessary permissions to add and configure dashboard gadgets.

2. Navigate to your Dashboard: Click on the "Dashboards" menu at the top of the Jira interface and select the dashboard you want to add the gadget to or create a new dashboard.

3. Add a Gadget:

    • Click on the "Add gadget" button located on the top right corner of your dashboard.
    • A new window will pop up displaying a list of available gadgets.

4. Search for the Gadget:

    • In the search bar, type "Simple Throughput Charts for Jira".
    • Once you find it, click the "Add it now" button next to the gadget.

5. Add the Gadget to Dashboard:

    • After adding the gadget, close the gadget window.
    • The Simple Throughput Charts gadget should now be visible on your dashboard.


Once the gadget is added to your dashboard, the Edit page should be displayed by default. 

Follow these steps to configure it:

Name: Enter a name for your gadget configuration

Description: Provide a brief description of what this gadget configuration represents

Project: Select the Jira project for which you want to track the throughput

Moving Average Period: Select the time interval for the moving average calculation (7 days MA or 14 days MA)

Throughput Rate Period: Select the time interval for the throughput rate calculation (Daily, Weekly, Biweekly)

Charts Time Range: Select the time range for the charts to display data

Your Simple Throughput Charts for Jira gadget is now configured and ready to use. It will display the throughput data as specified in your configuration, helping you to track and analyze project performance effectively.